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Would you like to optimise the income generated when your surveyor is on site without significantly increasing their workload?

Resource Live would like to reward you for your surveyors undertaking additional surveys on our behalf .

You will be paid for completing additional survey reports alongside standard Building Control inspection records. Surveys can be completed at the same time as Building Control inspections and will require similar information.

In the majority of cases the project will already need to be contracted to your Authority. Resource Live will then pay either a fee per survey or a flat fee per project. Project based fees allow you to optimise your return by removing duplicate visits and sharing data. Fees will vary depending upon the size of the job but could increase the income per visit by 60%. Each request can be considered upon its own merits with no obligation to accept any although we expect all jobs to make financial sense. Fees will be paid at the completion of the project and upon the successful submission and acceptance of the inspection reports.

All reports are recorded electronically on line through either, our mobile app, or directly into our hosted inspections platform DS Live. Each survey request will clearly show what information is required at each stage.

Full training will be provided.

© 2018 Resource Live

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